About Us


The Christian Dance Fellowship South Africa is a non-profit national organization affiliated to the International Christian Dance Fellowship (ICDF). ICDF is an inter-denominational fellowship involved in establishing and maintaining a standard in the area of dance and movement ministries. Its aim is to build bridges between both the professional and amateur through workshops, conferences, resources for the encouragement and fellowship of each believer that desires to express their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through movement and dance.


“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” |Luke 4:18-19 “That they may be one as we are one.” | John 17:11b


1988 – The International Christian Dance Fellowship was formed in Australia under the leadership of Mary Jones1990 – CDFSA was formed at the Valley Arts Festival with Rosemary Raw as the first National Co-ordinator
1991- Israel1993 – African Enterprise (PMB)
1994 – England1995 – Grahamstown
1997 – South Africa1999 – East London
2000 – Australia2005 – Durban
2006 – Malaysia 2007 – Durban
2009 – Scotland2009 – Port Elizabeth
2013 – Puerto Rico 2017 – Cape Town
2016 – Ghana2020 – Online Conference ” Movement without Restriction “
2019 – India2022 – Garments of Praise – Western Cape
2022 – Sweden2023 – Dancing in the Vine – Gauteng


We aim to:

  • Provide fellowship where members may share their experiences of using dance and movement as an expression of their faith – so join us at our next SHOW & SHARE event
  • Work in unity and love within the Body of Christ supporting and encouraging each other in the ministry – we work across all denominations and build relationships with members across a diverse spectrum of our South African community
  • Unify all Christians, seeking to express their worship of God the Holy Trinity in joy, love, penitence and hope through the art of movement and dance – when we dance together, we dance as one and this is an expression of our unity.
  • Contribute to the training of individuals and groups, through workshops and teachings, so as to improve on the standard of Christian Dance and Movement Ministry – Look out for the next workshop in your area!
  • Evangelise and commit to the expansion of the Christian Church through the promotion and demonstration of worshipful dance and movement and the teaching of Christ’s love for mankind as expounded in the Gospels – From the Inside of the church walls, we will continue to take our dance to those who may never set their feet in a church building. We may be FLASH MOBBING near you soon.
  • Be a witness and disciple of Christ to serve those outside the church, through a lifestyle of worship and dedication to the Word of God, always giving Glory to the Lord – Our lives and our dance may be the only Bible that some people may ever read.


We are committed to being VISIBLE in every Province and community throughout South Africa. We are working towards establishing CDF Provincial structures in the 5 Provinces not yet represented.

We will remain RELEVANT by meeting the needs of our dancers and understand the changing times.                

We will be AVAILABLE to teach, train, share ideas, skills and resources with individuals and groups involved in this ministry.